Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Triumphant Return!

To all my fans out there, I am sorry it has been so long since my last blog entry. I know many of you have gone almost a year without being enlightened by my words and knowledge. Let me explain what happened over the past year. I self-imposed a suspension on my blogging because it became more about quantity rather than quality. Many people were asking for more and I wrote stuff just to get it out there. As a result, I was not happy with the final product and felt it had a bad representation of my true passion.

So now I am entering back into it with my full attention of sharing about things I care about. I had focused mostly on sports on previous blog entries, however, I have other subjects to talk about. Rather than focusing on one field there will be more subjects, which other followers might find more interesting. But not to worry sports will not be completely put aside.

Please stayed tuned throughout the following days, weeks or months and I promise that I will put out better quality posts to better engage my audience.

Thank you.

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